Author of Connectionaire and award-winning entrepreneur and speaker
“Faithpreneur is a rare gem for today’s generation of entrepreneurs. This marvelous book explains in clear, practical language the ways in which we can use faith to unlock the doors of wealth and success . . . Faithpreneur is a must read for anyone who is serious about having massive success, but more importantly, the God-centered integrity that will keep them there!”
Of Music Ministry
“Faithpreneur is a vital tool for anyone who owns their own business or is considering starting their own business . . . No matter what stage of business development you are in, I believe you can benefit from this book. If you apply the principles in this book, you will see God give increase, promotion and favor upon your business.”
Brad Justice
Co-founder of Team Office and author of The Holy Grail of Selling
“In Faithpreneur, Marquita Miller reveals what the Bible as well as history has always shown us. Success in anything depends entirely upon our faith. You may never hear the word in any business class, but nothing can be accomplished without it.”